quot Please ejaculate a lot inside quot quot Was it really okay to take your word for it quot quot It 039 s okay You 039 ve made a lot of cum quot Junko always says it 039 s okay She is a woman of convenience Intro
u4e3a u7537 u670b u53cb u63b0 u5f00 u81ea u5df1B u7684 u5973 u5927 u5b66 u751f u59da u73ca u73ca
u3010 u770b u5f00 u5934 u53ef u7ea6 u3011 u6d74 u5ba4 u6781 u54c1 u7f8e u4e73 u6fc0 u60c5 u4eab u53d7
u7c97 u58ee u5927 u5c4c u585e u6ee1 u5236 u670d u7f8e u5973 u7684 u5ae9 u7a74 uff01JK u9ed1 u4e1d uff01 u7247 u5c3e u8fd8 u6709 u4e1d u889c u8db3 u4ea4 uff01 u300c u770b u7247 u5934 u89c6 u9891 u53ef u4ee5 u7ea6 u5979 uff01 u300d